Octal-channel Asynch/Synch  Serial Communication Controller with RS-232 interface

The UCC-08 module of ACTIS Computer S.A. is a 8-channel serial communication controller according to the VITA-4 specification.
This module provides eight synchronous or asynchronous full-duplex channels, with an independent Transmitter/ Receiver baud rate generator for each channel. Two types of interface are supported by the UCC-08 modules:

  • UCC-08A: RS-232D interface.
  • UCC-08B: RS-422/RS-485 interface.

The UCC-08A provides all the modem signals (TxD, RxD, RTS, CTS, DTR,and DCD) for the RS-232D interface. The UCC-08B with RS-422/RS-485 interfaces allows multi-drop capabilities with collision detection, and provides the TxD±, RxD±, TxC± and RxC± signals.
The UCC-08 module is based on a high performance single chip octal USART, which provides a very large FIFO to minimize the receiver overrun or the interrupt overhead (64-Byte receiver and 64-Byte transmitter FIFOs for each channel).

Octal-channel Asynch/Synch  Serial Communication Controller with RS-232 interface

The UCC-08 module of ACTIS Computer S.A. is a 8-channel serial communication controller according to the VITA-4 specification.
This module provides eight synchronous or asynchronous full-duplex channels, with an independent Transmitter/ Receiver baud rate generator for each channel. Two types of interface are supported by the UCC-08 modules:

  • UCC-08A: RS-232D interface.
  • UCC-08B: RS-422/RS-485 interface.

The UCC-08A provides all the modem signals (TxD, RxD, RTS, CTS, DTR,and DCD) for the RS-232D interface. The UCC-08B with RS-422/RS-485 interfaces allows multi-drop capabilities with collision detection, and provides the TxD±, RxD±, TxC± and RxC± signals.
The UCC-08 module is based on a high performance single chip octal USART, which provides a very large FIFO to minimize the receiver overrun or the interrupt overhead (64-Byte receiver and 64-Byte transmitter FIFOs for each channel).


  • Single-size IP module.
  • Compatible with the VITA-4 specification
  • Eight asynchronous full-duplex serial communication channels.
  • Separate baud rate generator for each channel.
  • Data rate up to: 115.2 kbaud
  • 64-Byte Transmitter and 64-Byte Receiver FIFOs.
  • RS-232D communication interface with modem signals
  • 5 V power supply only



pdf  UCC-08A Users Guide (850.04 kB 2012-09-12 15:48:46)